Who we are

Nouvelle plaquette à destination des élus

Missions and goals

The CEPRI is an association of elected officials, who join on behalf of their municipality, metropolis, intercommunality, or river union, EPTB, EPAGE…

The CEPRi is therefore elected officials (and their technicians) who come together to have a national support to prevent and manage the risk of flooding and its consequences on their territories.

CEPRI is made up of elected officials (and their technicians) who seek to reduce the vulnerability of their territory to flooding, whether it comes from river overflow, rainwater runoff, rising groundwater, or coastline recession.

According to you, CEPRI is : 

  • Alter egos that share the same concerns and need to bring them with a single voice to the relevant ministries.
  • A team that leads a technical network, produces educational guides, offers training, deciphers regulations and provides support on specific topics.
  • A space for capitalizing on good examples in flood risk management.
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